If a question, you can only use words to describe while the data and charts can not be used to express, which shows your understanding of the issue is still the surface of shallow”
當今的企業管理過程中無處不在強調“用數據說話-Data Driving”,然而在很多辦公室白領,工廠工程師,研發中心技術人員的許多問題解決報告中仍然是大段的文字和描述,很少看到數據和圖表。很多白領、工程師在大學時代是統計概率的優等生,然而工作多年后幾乎“不幸”忘光!In today's enterprise management process, we often emphasis "speak with data-Data Driving", however, when we read many Office White-Collars, Plant Engineers, R&D Technicians’ PPT reports, we can see there are still large section of the text and descriptions and seldom find the data and charts. Many engineers are excellent in the university, but after many years of work, they’ve forgot many.
In order to wake up many engineers’ "childhood memories of statistical probability", according to business R&D and manufacturing processes we develop this training workshop. The training use real data case combine Minitab software analysis application, which will greatly improve engineers’ accomplishment and ability of "Using data speaking".
Minitab作為問題統計解決方法的最佳工具軟件,大大簡化了統計計算,讓復雜的統計技術在企業中廣泛應用成為可能.全球推行Six Sigma的企業有90%以上應用Minitab, Minitab已經成為一種通用語言,應用Minitab做出的數據圖表您能很容易的跟您的客戶/供應商進行溝通!
即便您的企業中沒有導入Six Sigma,應用各種統計工具軟件來進行數據分析和決策任然是必不可少的,所以Minitab同樣是一個很好的選擇!
As the best statistical software tool for problem statistical solution, MINITAB greatly simplifies the statistical calculations, which makes complex statistical technique easily used in enterprises. More than 90% of enterprises who implementation of Six Sigma use Minitab, Minitab has become a universal language, use the data charts made by Minitab, you can easily communicate with your customers / suppliers.
Even if the companies did not implement Six Sigma, the application of statistical tools is also required, therefore, our workshop is also a good choice!
The workshop will strength students’ existing knowledge of statistical techniques, also will teach them how to use related tools with Minitab to promote practical problem-solving. After attending the workshop, students will not only know how to operate Minitab software, more importantly, will know how to choose the right charts and data analysis tools by Minitab to solve the actual problem.
全面掌握各種統計方法在MINITAB 中的操作方法
掌握如何將MINITAB 軟件的使用和實際業務問題解決方法結合起來。
Through the course, participants will be able to:
Fully grasp variety common statistical methods operation in MINITAB
Greatly improved engineers’ engineering accomplishment and the ability of "using data speaking"
Able to select appropriate statistical tools combine the practical engineering problems.
Can utilize Minitab related tools, data and graphical results to make judgments and decisions.
Become more self-confident to master the use of MINITAB software, and practical solutions to engineering problems together.
1. MINITAB的源起、作用、視窗和基本操作
2. 文件夾新建、打開、保存和說明
3. 跟隨六西格瑪(DMAIC)學MINITAB
1. 統計概率基礎Basic Statistics
a) 數據統計描述參數與MINITAB操作
b) 平均值Mean/中位數Median/眾數Mode
c) 方差Variance/標準差Standard deviation/極差Range
2. 數據的類型The type of data與MINITAB操作應用
3. 正態分布的理解與應用及MINITAB操作
4. 數據圖表化的MINITAB操作
a) 概率圖與正態性檢驗
b) 直方圖與原因排查
c) 點圖與箱線圖
d) Pareto圖與餅圖
e) 因子間的關系 – 因果圖(魚刺圖)
f) 因子間的關系 -主效應圖與原因排查
g) 時間變化圖表 – Individual Chart
Measure (測定) 階段的MINITAB操作
1. 測量系統分析MSA
2. 偏倚Bias研究
3. 類型1量具研究與Cgk量檢具能力指數
4. 計量型數據Gage R&R
5. Gage R&R小組競賽(水面測量)
6. 計數型數據測量系統分析
7. 過程能力分析 Cpk
Analyze (分析)階段的MINITAB操作
1. 假設檢驗基本術語
a) 零假設 (Null Hypothesis – Ho)
b) 備擇假設 (Alternative Hypothesis – H1 或 Ha)
c) P - Value (P值)
2. 數據類型與統計性檢驗的路徑圖
a) T-Test均值檢驗(單樣本T/雙樣本T)
b) T-Test均值檢驗(一元方差分析 One Way ANOVA)
c) Chi-Square Test卡方分析
d) 相關及回歸分析Correlation & Regression
Improve (改善)階段的MINITAB操作
1. DOE試驗設計入門介紹
2. 單因子DOE試驗設計
3. 單因子DOE小組競賽(投石機Catapult)
4. 全因子試驗設計(2K Full Factorial DOE)
5. 田口試驗設計Taguchi DOE
6. 靜態田口DOE
7. 正交列表概念介紹
8. 動態田口DOE
a) -理想函數
b) -斜率與信噪比
c) -噪音因子與控制因子及輸出響應定義
d) -田口內部列表與外部列表的建立
e) -動態田口DOE點圖分析方法
Control (控制)階段的MINITAB操作
1. SPC簡介
3. 計數型數據P/NP/U/C圖MINITAB操作